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Additional treatment options

Your prostate cancer team can employ other advanced treatment options, based on your individualized treatment plan.

Some of the advanced treatment options available to prostate cancer patients at City of Hope include the following.

Clinical trials

City of Hope offers clinical trials as part of our commitment to bringing our patients new and innovative cancer treatment options, especially for patients with advanced cancer or who may have run out of standard-of-care approaches. The research team at City of Hope carefully identifies and studies new and emerging treatment options that are supported by scientific and investigational research. Your care team will work with you to determine if you qualify for an existing trial and, if so, will help you enroll.


Hormone therapy

Hormone therapy for prostate cancer deprives cancer cells of the male hormones they need to grow. Prostate cancer hormone therapy is often used in combination with radiation and other therapies. Our cancer doctors may use hormone therapy to shrink advanced prostate cancer tumors in order to treat them with radiation therapy.


Immunotherapy is a promising treatment for prostate cancer, including advanced and recurrent forms of the disease. Your care team at City of Hope uses a variety of immune-based strategies to eliminate prostate cancer and  help prevent its recurrence. This treatment method may be used alone or in conjunction with other treatments, such as radiation therapy and hormone therapy.