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Surgical options

Our surgeons and surgical oncologists have significant experience performing difficult and complex procedures for prostate cancer. Surgical treatments for prostate cancer may be an option for you, based on your overall health and other factors. Prostatectomy, or the removal of the prostate, may be part of your prostate cancer treatment plan.

Surgery is designed to remove the cancer through an open (traditional) operation or with robotic equipment. One of the surgical options available to prostate cancer patients at City of Hope is the da Vinci® surgical system.


Robotic surgery (da Vinci® surgical system)

One of the preferred options for treating organ-confined prostate cancer is radical prostatectomy. The da Vinci® Surgical System allows the surgeon to offer this procedure using a minimally invasive approach. For prostate cancer patients, da Vinci surgery is performed through a few tiny incisions. These tiny incisions and a less invasive approach may help you return to normal activities faster than the standard recovery time associated with a prostatectomy.

Potential benefits of robotic surgery for patients include:

  • Reduced pain
  • Lower risk of infection or complications
  • Less blood loss (fewer transfusions)
  • Shorter hospital stays
  • Less scarring due to smaller incisions
  • Faster return to normal activities (e.g., sexual function, urinary continence)